
Granary Slipform

Granary Slipform
Abstract: Anhui Xingcheng Slipform Engineering Co., Ltd. is a professional granary slipform construction company, mainly engaged in granary slipforms and other businesses, with favorable engineering prices and professional technical solutions. It has a wide range of customers and currently covers Anhui, Shandong, Hubei, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
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The working principle of the granary slip form construction is to use the granary wall slip form construction after the constructionTruss operating platform,For the removal of the granary slipform, the auxiliary equipment must be removed first, and then the overall lowering shall be carried out in two steps. First, it shall be lowered to an appropriate elevation and then reinforced into a platform supported by the top mold template.AgainBring it to the ground as a platform for overall dismantling.

The business of Anhui Xingcheng Slipform Engineering Co., Ltd. includes: Granary Slipform,Silo slipform, Coal bunker slip form, shallow round bunker slip form, etc.Mold making, assembling, sliding and dismantling, as well as other related work of sliding mold engineering. The company has a unique slipform construction technology, professional construction of high-rise buildings such as silos, water towers, bridge piers and shaft dams, and has professional slipform equipment and technical personnel. The company’s management system is very complete, and it can provide multiple services at the same time. The company has rich experience in slip form construction, and has superb construction techniques in controlling the verticality and torsion of high-rise structures.

Previous: Silo slipform

下一条: Coal bunker slipform